ofweAke Chriflians. 10 I they did. And her-e was her -defire to bee edified. And a boldn_effe to appeare ~o O\vne _Chrifr,a~d hi~ J)linifi:ers in dangerous · times.: for in thole times it , was a dangerous thing to . appeare to be a Chriftian; they lvere worfe hated ~ , , - then the Iewes were, . though both were hated ·= yet Chrifl:ians were, a- _ boue all : Therefore falfeChrifiians would be cir. cumcife'd, they-would be Faith frnie-. Iewes,to auo~d the Cro{fe full • .' , that they might not bee -accounted Chritlians•., You fee· in, Generall, -true faith that works loue and workes by loue : Itworkes loue . in the heart, . :f 3 ' and /