IOl ' ' Trt~e foitf, fruitfoll~ and by Jotie it wor~s all · duties ofhpfpitallity, and bounty by loue. Wheait ha~h wrought that holy affection, it works by that holy affection ? You fee here it is neuer without fruit, prefently , fai~h · brings forth fi·uit, as' / foone as ilie'e was· bapti· zed. ihee ~lhewes her loue) · to 'the Apoftles, - ~nd their company, and her bounty ·and .her · boldmetre in-the 'c~ufe of Chrift• .We fay of ag~af~, it is grafted to purpofe, if it take, · and bring forth . fruite, 1o fuee bei!Jg a new fience graft into . C.hrift, . lhee , tooke p-refently as. · .J foone as fhe~ was baptized - . )