Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

Hereupoll there is a dif- I .courfe of Lydi4, a iliort ll:ory of ,Lydi4~ a fiory ·. ' wo~thy to bee thought of; , which is in the words ·of · my text. -(._,./ cert~ttne w~IIJaiJ 1111"" me~ Lydi~, &c. ,· . ! ' ' ' • J ~~~Htt..J is 'defcribed ~i Fir11: by her per- PllrtSof i$ fon, and. fex, a the text. certaine WlmAn. By her . nam·e .Lydi~t.By her callirJg a-feller fJj purple." By her citie Thiatirtt. By her pious difpofition,foee·wor fbipped God.And then her conver.. B ·3 . lion ' /