Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

Wtcked men fotJits. 9 nor fuch foeles as are to be begged as we fay, that ate Who ment defcdive in ~ t heir rraturals; by fo()l~s . but rhe wife fooles of the w· orld ~ they are rhe rheife offooles, ho\-v ever in the ,( ourts ofmen they be not found fooles, yet they, are fooles in Gods cfieetne, . w.ho is Wifldgme it Jelft, rhofe that thinke them•. felves \vife, that are conceitedly lvife, they ate tbefejoolcs here. · · In the phrafe of Scripture,·and. th~ lJnguage qf .· the HgfyGh,jl,every finner is a foolCJ. It \V ere·a dif- .grac.efull rerme jf any mJri fuould give·ir, but Jet ., no man ·fi.umble at ) r, it comes from tl•1ewi fe GfJJ, B 5 th:u