Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

12 Wicktd men foo!et. A foole is led with his 2. humour, and his luft evenForpaffion as the.heaft, fo there is no. .... I . ~ wicked rnan that fh1kes -of thefea·reofGod,( which u· true w~(edpme ,_)but h~e is led with his h~1mour,. and pa(Jion, and affection to fome eannly . thing. No·;y aman can never bee v;ri[e, :and paffionate unleffe in one cafe, whenthe goocf ·s fo· exceeding that no: ' -pa,flion canb~ anfwer~lble as in ze·Jle) in divine ·matters, that \Vi-lJ excufe a1J . exorbitant carriage ~ther- · wife. When Dttvid.d¥Z»- cc·d liifore the .Arke, a man \Vould-rhinke it had beenea foolilh ma'tter except it · ~ad been in. a divine bu·fi- · neff~ ·