Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

20 rvicked mtlJ fooles •. . H~ is a madman, a jDo!c ~· -th~t . buns and wounds. Hewounds h" r.l'"' ]fc .11 him.Celfe. , tm1e "e, none e e :WI ; doe fo, . ''' icked car nail n1e~~tBey wound, and hurt, ahd flab their owne confciences,ch ifany man : ihould doe.. them bur the . \ · thoufa!1dth ·part of - rh~ harme that they doe them [elves every · day, they would not indure it, they galJ, and -load the~r confciC'nces with many fins, ~nd thty doe it to themfelves; therefore it is. a defcrved title that is given them. G~d ~eetes with pride of men in this te rme of folly : for a wicked man above all things is carefull to avoia this