Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

Scrip.nnes vpon ~he fir(t, ,_ Sa in r: P t~ut at way .begins · his· E. rf~.}e. s, with the dui. ties · t<?) _qod, ~nd religion and , when he bath difchar- '.'ed th~t he c0mes t.o pa-~ b 1 · rents, .·and maficrs,. ana childrr:n,and fer.vants,and [ucli pjrticular duties; be· cat:1fe t h~ fpring of our duty to man,is our duty to Gsd, ·. and~ the firft juftice is the juftice of religion to Got/, when we are not juft to ·giue God his due : there· upon come all breaches . in our civill eo nver.fation, and commerce \Vith men, for v;.ant of. the feare of God,men, dee this, as 1#- . {eph fayd, .h1w foalll doe this 4nd offend G~d? and . C ~ · .Ahra~am· · .J !