Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

r ~r fickneffi, ' r 37 quities _a11d fi'!ne; fo hod y,.·\", . and foule we~e healed ati. -. . ·once. Divinityhel~in' trarr• · ! rn·~inity - · d 11 . A 1 tranfcends ; fcen _s a other rts-,not other arts. :onely corrupt nature .)and· . . €orrupt cour.fes but alto.. , ·ther; ·pqr the Phifi·t'ian~- hce r-he caufe of -the frckneffe out of a maa - . \ ·or in a· tnan, out ofa Inan~ and then, ~fpecia11 Y' in .. '-contagious fkknetfe, hee ·looks to the influence of · t·he heavens, in . foe h -a ·yeare, fuch . cz-onjunctions, , : and · fucb · ec.Iipfes haue beene, he lookes to the· infection ·of the Ayre to- . fubordinate caufes,.. tO· : contagious_corn pany ,and to diet; . &.c. ·And then in :a man· to:-the difl:emper of r .the _