SimJC"the- C4Nfe · -~- finne,. nor never Jooke to· God, when indeed the - ground of all · is -G . o'ffended by linne, . ,. · Fo1le~for their tranfgref · · jion~ ttre ~tfjli8ed. . We by our fins · put a Sin -puts ;1 rodinto Godshand;A-·rod' rod in ' for thefooles lntcke ass alo" Goes hand ' r. . h d t.. __ - m()n 1a1t , an WJKfl ·wee will be jooles we,e tnuft needs indure.the fcou.rge and rod in one kina or other: thofe that wfll fin mull: looke for-a rod, it is ~he: beft re\vard of wic- .._ked, and vaine fo•les that .. m11ke a j tft Gf Jinnt ,(as the -wifeman faith) They · c4jl ftre/;rands ~And foy .111111 n1t -Jr~ jeft ? -That raile andfcorne at?goodt· things, ' th