it Jluztt not tome to · them~ · they fhall fabfill ,to eter~ nail m yferie· ; that, that men are moll: ;tffraici of in this life, that they lhall wifh moll: to come to them in the world· to come, Oh that I might , die ! What a pitdfull ll:ate arewicked m-en in~ therefore it is called the Gatu · .. ,_ of death, it rules and over. , rules all mat1kinde: there- · fore it is fayd to reignu, Rom.;. Deathand jint.Je...J c~:me in togethtr, finne was the gate that let ia Jcttth, and ever fince death raig ned, and will, till ·ciJrifl , perfectly tryumph.over ir, who is the ~ing .of that Lord and Commander, D· z and