1 f -death have fuch aJ u rifdidion,and power, 'and ilrength, Jet us labour to dif2rme it before hand, it _is iri . our powe-r-· to make dcatli flingle1fe, and toothleife, and harm ·: lelff : nay wee may nulle it ;l_dvant2gious, for . the · gAteof death ~ay beccme . the gate of h~ ppine lfr: let us labour to have our part,andportion -.in chrijl, who hath ~he key ~r hell and death, who h~th O• vercome and ·conquered this tyrant, oh dtath where u thy fting? ·oh -grt~ve where if thy villery ? I -Cor_. 1 ~ ~ Thanks !Jee vnte Gcd 'vho hath given · t{JS 'Viilory through Jefus Cbrift our D 3 Lord, J7{e. Todifarmede2th,