-Why men foil intD fleight .in thankfgiving I? Ufually the reafoa is they did not. conceive that they were in fuch extreame danger as· they I were. Likewife be fuffers men to fall into extrean1e fick. ne{fe that he may have all l the glory, for it was his deing, there was no fe. cond caufe to helpe here, fir _their Joule -ahborrtd All mtt1J1Jtr ()f meat e, a.»d they were evtn ·at · the Gates of , de11th, Now when all fecond caufe~ fayle, then God is exalted therfore he futfers men to falJ into extreamir_y, the greater the ·maladie, the more is . the glor-y of the Phylirjan. The