Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

58 G1ds children Church- in ·extremitie, _ Gods people cry to God, and as afflictions, fo p: rticularl y rhis of · fici~nelfe of body, drives men ·to God. God fhould not heare · ofus(ma.ny times)unleffe he {hould conH~ .neere us P}Tafflie1ions, and deepe affi iction$ :, Out ~fthe deepe , . \Vhy G~d llt~at 1 cryed, ,cod brings . · fcndethaf- us to the deepe, and then . . flittion ~ lVe crie. Our nature is .fo .naught, rpat God fhould not heare ?f u,s, (as I fay d) . 'unleife he fend fom~ me f .. > fenger after us, fome af- - flittion to bring n ~ home as Abfolom· dealt by Joab, ~ w.hen bee fired his_ cornc. In the Gofpel~ Chrift had never fte~rd of many pe9· - pl.e,.