6 o, ' Gods children Go n ·_is \VOrking our good, hee is dra\ving us n·eerer to him. Th~n t/Jey cryed to . hi1'H. . · So wee fee theri tiiu Pra.yer a , . .. . fpeci:allre- prayer tt is a re;neate tn a - medic in remedilejfe <flat :~, ) t·v hen affliCt ion. there is no other reme-dy '- and this one differenc·e 'V _ '· ~ bctweene a child ofG Q; n and another; ln extremitie ·a carnall man that .bath not grace, he bath not a fpirit of prayer t6 goe toG o- n ~ bur a child of Go n1 hecriestp Gon, bee _ had ·acquaintance. vvitn God in the time .of ,health, therefQrehe goes ~ boldly to G o·n as a fa- - ther