Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

pray in afflitlions > 6 r _ther in rhetime ofexrre- .n1ity. G.ods children can anf wer Gods dealing .; for , _, as he brings his children to extretnitie', whe-n there is no fecond ·caufe to help, fo _they anf"Yer him ~ by fait h, in · extr~mirie \V hen there js nothing to · trull: ·unt(); they truft: him. V\t~en there ~s no phyfick in · the world that cancharme the difeafe, they . have a fpirit of faith toanfwere Gods d~t~ling, in the greatcfimifery,as JoG faith,theugh he.killme.yet will 1 truft -'in him. / For Go_n- is not. tyed~ to fecond ea ufes, and therefore if bee ha1je Je ·. ' light in-lis, and ifhe have any_·.