Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

_; 6.q. Gods chi!dr!n and is in a courfe oppofite to God.r.-will ~As if a Traitor f.lJotlld come to fue for - pa_rdon with a dagger jn his hand' whi<.h vvere to increafe the treafon : So when a man comes to Goll: . a:nd cryes ;to hirn ~nd yet purpofeth to live in ftnne, and his confcience tells. him that hee· offers violence to Go n- by his fins, and · lives . iti rebellious courfes, G 0 D \Vill not heare his prayer · 2 •. . • Againe ifwe would bee . Hea__re God:, ln fuch a fiare as Gild ·may .· - caliing on accept us when wee come us, to him,let us heare:. G o I> - :when bee _cryes ro us_, h~e cryes to us in the m:iniftrje ' of the word, Wiftllomu , · ' - h4th \