Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

66 ; . , , Gods children '. b/e.Letus·take heed, it is a fearefuU thing to bee, in r~~ an efiate, th~t.aeither . our:bwne prayers, rior others lhall bee regarded for us, and let any man judge, if w~~ will ·no( . he are Go n fpeake to us, is it fit that bee fhould heare us [peaking to him~ And before I leave the point, let mee preffe it a little further, at this time wee h;tve caufe to blelfe Go n fQr the ·delivera,ce ofthe .Ci#u: Oh ! but let ·au that have the fpirit of prayer, that have any Exhortati- · familiaritie \Vith -G o n, ~;. (to pray~ itnprove all their interefl: 1n·heaven ~t this dine, doe : wee riot conceive what ; dan-