68 Prayer beft before af.. flietion. ~ . Gods childre11 vours, aild deliverances hereafter : That as H tu delive-red us in former times, in -g 8, and nlagnified his 111ercie to us, fo no'w Hee would not cxpofe us to the crueltie of Idolatrous_ enemies, whofl mcr&ies are _crutU..· Let tt& , 11irre up our felves; Secu- . ritie And carelifneffe Alwttyfore-- rNN1Jes 1ne deftruifioll or other. Prayer will doe a gr~at deale more good, no·w, then when troubJe Hath overtaken us, for now it is a figne it comes from a _ r-eligious feeking of God, then it" comes from felf~- 1ove. . ·rhere :.is a great , dcale of djiferencc,when a