Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

Prttyet: to Guti focceffeft~ll. 73 _rage vs in any extre~,ity ~ ( efpeciall y i~ ficknetfe of T 0 :-c body )tO hauerecourfot0 recourfete God, and never to defpaire Gfi okdin , h b· b h , tc ncs.· cnoug wee ee roug t ~ .never fo low' he that can rayfe the bodie:s,can . rayfe ·vs out of any lick ~ nelfe; therefore l~t vs ufe the meanes, and when there is . no meanes trull: . Go.d : for hee ·can worke ·beyond meanes,and withoutmeane~ • . • , - . J • . . » ' . • : ·.. They cryeri to the L(Jra, · 41!'d he foveJ tf!em o.Nt of ·their tlijlr~([e;It was: tqe fruit -of ~h~ir prayers. .··· ~ · \ , ·- ~- . . . e D1ff. There. w4t .·, #ef!er .A,/?J Pr2.yer t() :_ fi 1... (, .: • God fuc. · prAyer . ro111 tne tgJnnt~g cdfefull ·· - . ~ 0~