Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

.But here tnay an ·objedi.. on be made, I baue "tied ·long, lam. ·ho~rfe \vith 'rying, I haue w~yte!d : a o6jeEl, ~ loht;time, I have'bin a-long t1tne ,[tck,or annoyed with · fom_e. partiqul~httrouble,& : Gf!d feemc -~ ·~s·· iti 'ver.e to · : :Hop his ears,to lii•3rden his . · .heart againfi m.e,to fhucu.p.: : his bowels ofcdm.paffio-n,t ; and pi~ty,t},Jercf0re· I were;} ~s gQod giu~ oue.r as eonti--· : nue fiill crying, ~nd : not , be heard. :. , :- -... ~ ; l ~ - -k anfwer-, ·d1ereis ,no one ; t-At~{w~ j du-ty almofi more p~lfed Waytigg . _ in Jcriptirethen waiting& after pr:1y- ... . h . er nc,[ary, m~ttc ing to prAye,.,, wa~te · . ,'-ftiU, ;bath not God .waited . ' •tby l~afure. Jong enau§h, ~ and ~wilt not thouwaite on ~ him~ E 4 - , A