Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

. Citllings al~owe~ by Gf~· ·I$ · 'together :thof2 that liaue . - ,no caltings, nor fit them- · Jelues f0r. a calling, and ~) :: .th,lt are o_ut ·of a cal1ing _ ·Iawfull. , callings arelawfui.And Commerce ' · ;fGl this calling of corn.. lawfull. merce, apd trade,A feller -,j pu.rp!c·: Thot£Jgh for the :moft pa~t - men gather. a.. ~ gre~t deale of foite) and -: €~rr~ption, by c.~mmixture of manners '\~f.ith _ :.thofe they deale with :yet .. thet~e muft be -commerce, . . · , , and this particular corn• . _ merce of felling of Pur- ~ pk. - . _ The body of man needs ,many caUings,there i)s.not ;a part ·of ma.ns body, not · ·. . ene niember, ·but it fets i particular