8o Pr~'tr IQ GQJfocceffifoll. Apatient when he feeles hi~ boqydifiemperedwith ·· · Phylicke',oh bee · cries out partly for thePhyfick,and ·,partly for the ftcknes, that trouble himboth together, and-make civill warre in . - his boqy,yet no~withfl:an•, ding the Phyfitian wifely_ lets it worke he;1ball ha ue .no cordiall; nor nothing to hindci it, he lets ~t< goe Jf>n : - _t,ilt the · · Phy,ficke -'have .wrousht wcll,&.carried a- ' waytbe ~alignant ma.tt_~r,, . :r;,h --.~- t&a.t{he>may·i be the })(tter .· ' ~~·- r··:·-·_ .· ,' fortr,and that ~ bee is alo- . ·~ ~: -:.:.t .l vinaand tend et Phyfitian., • -L·-·. : yetfo Gol(when ~e are in : troableiti~ as Phyfick ,we : ~r~y, ·but i Glil .' h.e ; tt~rnes· t!Je ~·~--~~- glajfo: as- 'the ·_· Phyfitians-1 · . doe, • I 1 . •