Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

8 3 Prayerte Godfucctjfefu.J. · that thou -hAjJ thefpirit o Prayer, that thou ea p oure ou~ _·thy foule to God, it, is a' great n1ercy .and fo acconnt ofit., } P.erhaps thou caft out tbv JonaJ, thy· A-· . :Beloved ,_ J tins hinder cnarJ) that tne~e is fomc prayer .. pJrticular linne, vnrepen- ' , red of, aqd thou . crye.A: . and crye'fi qut .thy finne . cries loude~, tby pride, ·or thy oppreflion cries, thy wicked courfe cries, thou cryeft unto G.od;and . : the~re is · another thing : cries in thee, that cries i -vengeanc~ 'as thou ·d&eft · for mercie, th~.refore · fe'irch out thy A·chan~£alf out thV. 'beloued finne, . fte if .thou regard iniiJHi- , t