Gods powerfoll word. ty -in t~y he~rt, if. thou. .r;egard ·any pleafing, or ·profitable, or gain full fin, and neverthinke that God wilt hcare t~ee tilr that bee , out, for it .wiH ~ 0u't·cry thy · prayers· ~ ·· .-' The next thing .is die. ·mannerofGods . cure• . :• .· l• . ' ' • • H·~e ftnt' lii.s: word: Anti/ ~ healed t-he_ m-•. · .... ~~. H·· A T \vord~· ( . · ~ , . His- fecretcom~ · . , • 0 Jliaurid.,)iis will~ ·· · . Letfuch a thing be, as in the creation,Let· ; :there bee light, &c. Befides· ' · his- ; (