jhis word written:. there i~ bis word cre·atfng··· .. and; . . ' . preferving things 'created,~ and fo here rell:oring them ~.hat were ficke,H~e font ~is: · w1rd~tnd healed them, and. fo at ,the refurrettion,_~his W()rd, his voyce fhalJ rajfe · , our bodies againe~ It is · ~f :fir41nge m~~ner of cure foli G ~ n- to-(ute by.'his w.ord}' by 'his commaund, If : G·ods.com· fhewes that ·G on hathan~ · mand cve:L' all things. . 'uhiverfalJ . €"Ommat1Ilil -~f 1 all things in the \VOI+d; illj . · heaven, ·and e2rrh, ove_r · diveHs, and · over, tickn~f~ o;llo.,. _, r.. h ~ - . .. _ .le~, as}t. isl ·~id"in t. e G.of-~ pell, Hte rtiNikeJ: the ft~;: · _neffis ~ 1-Iee can rebuke tht;· ag ues,- the piag11r, an'd·,the -p,etlilenc~, and they fbaii - .. .. ~ ,... _ .- bee~