Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

C!ods powerf.~tll word. bee go-ne· by ·his word, ' flS .thee entr~·rio-n fayd; 1 am._ 4 . mAn that h~vefervttnts ttn ... · dtr mee, ttnd 1 foy to 1111e COmt, and hee CIJrtJ~et ~; - ~ttid ·to Anot"her goe~ andhe goti~, · fo thou haft all thin'gs under thee, th0'u art .G o J>,, .and if Thou~ ·fay · 'ro·~"a · difeafe,Cim-e, ii cflmmerh, . 'if Thou fay goe, it- goe-th j :Go n (ent !;is wordof C{)f!'- mand a__nfl healed them. It ·. is but '·a way,J of-Go-d to , heale~·- btit i A word of God; 'to ft\rike, Hee is · the .Lord · · ~~ H'fJjles·, Ifileetf-o·u hut .. hiffe{ as the,P.rophetlaith) · [~! fhe file if 'Egypt ·; -If -Heedoe,bb{cill ·for ·a.n·Enemie, they c()me ·at ' his. wo.rd, ' as \vee fee in Ph~t- _ ..., r.l!.~h.s · ~ :! -~-------------------