Gods powerfull w~Yd. ; rAoks plagues, the F /~es, an~ Frog~, all thin_gs, o'tey- .. · /if$ word.· , There is a fi er et obe.. ·~die nee ir:t all tnings to Gfiil; ! .\V~~nbis will-is that they · 1balr doe this or that: \vhy · _doth the Se-a keepe his. · bounds, .lvhen as the -< na- , ture~_ and pofition j of - tlie~ · I :.Sea is to, bee above the ; ·earth '?Iris tbe com·maAd: .of Go» th-at hath faya~. let it lYe~ there, and l:iithe,.! /kAt/ tbJ prg.NJ WlliJ,CJ gs0, AI'JJ 110 forthtr;. r might~ give many iniance.s how E;J o n~- doth all by :.jhis word.; The :Oi_vells ~re at I his word, the whales, t.be· · ~a, when €.br;ijJ rebu~s,jr obey~s(). ·