Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

llelp~- top~ttyfiGod. 113 pr4y,{ing _God forrhe ·~~o~k j ,. of creatlon, and th~...n 1-n Rev·$· the fifth for, redemption:, . · Thou Art wsr-thy, for t6~u , ' haft retieemttlvs, fo indeed _the workc of creation,re~ demp.tion, and the parti · cular paifages of Gods providence, an_d protection, and pretervation,thcy. ·_ ate matte:r of pr~tJft in - 1 - 'heaven, and eartb among G.1tls people.. -:·. · ·: 1 . ·. Now ,\ to 'name a'· fe\V. Helps and' i !Je/pts-, and mtiiTJtS, tO per• . me~nes to : forme this duty the ~etter, pratfeGod. _: If we would ftirre 'up 'I our felues to prayfe Gu~{ Con.fider /et NS . 'lfJ{it/tr D#r ~~lit our owne - 'li:»Wii''-hi»(jfo f As in pray• Ynwonh'i- . _ , , 'er ndfe. ' '