neceffiry. 19 · a foll~r 1[Purple~ Se rnMch '- for her calling. ~~~*~~~~ . '~- ·~~~~='!/~~~ ~ii~$~~~~ SheewDrjhippedGod. , hapsa Jew, and - Hn ·~ was per- - lookedfor aM if· jias. Therewere _3. forts of-peopl~ _before Chrift. The I ewes and ~·Sorts Qr , · h r h ll fc people .be.. t OJ.e t at we ea · pro e .. fore Chriil: , : lites~ and Religious per. . fons fearing God. Shee mrght benne of the three it is not certaine \vhat fhee · . was•. Certai.nely lhee was Qnetha·t feared God. She ~ad fome religioa in her, - ?though· · • I