Helps t~o_ pr4:i[e Go'· .. 127 it wa~ both ·-in -the in- -. - flitting and delivery( as it · were ) without meanes : ~ .· for what coutd the .Phy- :· fitians doe i~ ftayiog tlic - p la gue ~ Alas all the sJdll , - in the world is at a loffe - in thefe kinds of ficknef. fes ! it comes with GgJs -cornmall d~ it is;G ods -art:Dw .mor·e efpecially -.them JO· . _ ther ficknctres, ~Go a Cent it _by his Command, ffir.ft to humble us fo-r -oorfin, and: now hee_ h\~rh fla~dit ·with a - ~~r-d of tha~ from above s~o 0~~ - ;_ -a weeke, itiscom-e-rothree perfons, Gill ht~·th ft1it -h14 l w~rrlandhe4letl#s. - 1 · · It was ~ pittitull ftatc: ; '-' wee were tn·before.- -for G 4 indeed