. ·indeed it was not onely a ' (l~_knfffe upon the C-tie ~but a ~civill ficknefie: the ~ whole' fiate ···w.1s ditlem. : pered: for as there is lick-. . ' .nefJe in the b~dy wh~n there is obfirudion, when ,there is not a paff'age for the fpirits--and the blood from the liver,& from the· : heart,3nd from the head - thelC obftrnetions . caufe . weakeneffe, and · fain- , ·rings, and confumption, So was there .not an ob- , . ·firuaion in the fiate of 'latt; were not the veyn~s . ·of the kingdome fiopped~ Was.not tiviU comrnerce fiayed ?-. che affiitai~n · of this great Citie,it was as the aftliaion-of the head 1