for~ - pr.cparations are, ne- ·ceffary. 'There is fuch a dift:ance betweene the na.. ture, and corruption ,of · ~aa,and grace,, that there, muft be_a great deale of preparatiop, . many de: grees to rife by before a man come to . that ·condition bee, ihould bee in, -- · therefore preparationswe allo\v, and the neceffity of - them!_ . But we allow this, that Preparati-' ons are from Ged. all preparatieas are from God,, wee cannot prepare our fe1tles, or deferue fu. ture things by ,our prepa- _'-- rations; for the preparati- . onsthemfeluesareof God. 1 ·And thirdly, though we grant preparations yet we grant _, \