G 1tis w1rdheAles t!Jefoule. I 4 r ten in our hearts, defire ; Got! .to joyne. his fpirit with his word, and facra• · ments, and that will reco· . ver our tall: and make u.s fpirituall that we 1hall re- · lilh him that is botl1 the ·feafi:-ma.ker; ~ad the fea£1: . it felfe,he is botbthe meat and ··the provider of the banquet. · For whence· is it that all ,other tblngs . are . f weer to vs .! Deliverance from tro- · < ble, aad ftckttelfe ? be- .caufe it ·ii·a pledge· ef our fpiri tuall deliver~nce ~ in · Chrift, the . deliverance · ·from hell and damnation) what comfort can. a man : haue that knowes not his ll:are in ,grace, in the en- ·- . -· _ . joytng