Htcejfary. pe~rle, and the Gofpel to be the Kingdome of hea. ven : when a man fets _a ~igh price on grace more then all the world befides then ~ man is fufficiently prepared, --' , · Some poore foule~ think they are netier prepJred c- .nough: but let them looke to the end that God ~ill f!aue preparation for, that is, that a high price be fet upon the bell: things, and value all things but grace rnea ~I y . ia their owne ranke, when a' man is ·brought to that pitch that by the light of the fpirit, hee eft:eemes all nothing but Chrifl~ -and that hee mull: be had, and he muft haue i I JL . w.. . 4~ ti) I