Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

.· < ' 30 . · ' Progr:~lfi 1jprepArati111. igf ber converfion in .the next words. . . . · ~:~~. ~.· ·~~:~~~ Whofe het~rtlhe LerJ ·· to lltteni to -the -, ngs t!J~~,~ werefioken ~fl,~ul, . 11 o l> ~pene~. h _· • . · •- hean. To w ~ . ·· purpofe ? • · . · attend ttJ t~e things fpfJktn fJ/ Paul. Goil .by t6e w~rd preAch~ -ed opens the heart; to _ at. tend to the word: by the ·word, we are Sltted to the word•.The fpiritand the word draw .· us to. ''tHem· felu~s: The fpirit, otild t~e w ~~--~~--.. --~----~-,,