. Go_! opens -the he1r1. 35 man fouts, Alltl (hilts ttnti -., . : no men spens. He ha~h the __ key of the heart, to open - , the vnderftandiag,- the' memory 1 the will, and affed:ions. God,and God'Ort... ly bath the ·key of the heart to.open that ,it is his _ prer~gatiue.: He m.ade the hearr, and he onely ,hat_h. to ·doe with the _heart; he can vn!Jl_ake it, and make· ' r it new againe, as thofe that make locks can doe. And if · the · heart be · in ill · - temper, bee caii'take it_ in peices,and bring .it ta ifo... thillgasit were ( _as it mull: ... - be . before converfion~} ::: ·, ·and he can make it:a new heart againe.It is Godthai-- opens the h~art, and. God· only J 4-------~~----~~~~