. . . . Uo 'MJ. r<~:'u. Is fitt!t£\~~~fal~fil.ii ·~ . -- ., ' ' .. ' .~ ~-~ ~ . .. 1 H-E t «tlt :f: 'R. .J CH E S!: ·~! .- -. - I~, i!~ • • .. . . :. . . o F . . esQ! !.. 11. ·MERCIE-. 'I! ~··~ ·. Ih two Treati!es; · · ~- ·~· ., . I·~~ : 1 Lyd~; s(rm)lerfidn. , ~: "'~ 1 .1.A 'l?!;cue from death:/ \. 7~ ~~· · ' . ~~ ... ~. ; By, the. late lcar1_1ed) and reverend : ~~' :t~ . Dnrint; RI~ H A_R · ~ ~ 1 BB s, o~}lt ~~f) _ Dochn m D1v1mue. . :=; *~ Poblilhed by the "~uthors own ~~ . .;~~ appointment; and fubfcnbe,d \ El) ~~ Wlt~l his ownehand to prcve.t:lt,- ~ ~ ·imperfect. Copies. .e2e · . ~~ ~ ijl~ ' ' . l SAM.1.fi. ~· G~ the Lord ~illeth, tind »Ht~eth aliv-e; ~~ 0~ .- h~e brmgetb downe t" the qrCLv.e~ -lit!.\ .A!~ . . tJnd -bru7geth up. ~~ ~~ . LONDON --~ ;!\~ ~~ 4ii~ P!inted by I. D. for _Francis · ~~ w~ Eglesjeild, and are to lt>e fold by. el• , · ~W· hi~ a 1 r ~~e figne 1 ~he ~~a- · ~· ~~ r•go t~ln Pq.u s '-..nurCl<.t• (/~ y:~rd. 1 6 3 8.