haue opened ~er hearts or no~irour hearts be carri. . ed to· the bleffed word of ' . God to rellilbthat. Ifthey · be, God hathop~ned - our heart$ . to attend to . the "word. And . there is no · better. evidence of a.chiid. · of Ged, then that that is fetc.hed from..the aff~ctio·n ·• that bee car(ies t~ the word .and plelfed truth Gf ·God:: 0 h ! he reliHheth it as his appointed food, he cannot be_without it, take away_ . that,and you take aw_ay his :life. ' tMy s httpe heue my v1yce, you· are noae of mine becaufeyou heare nor my word. A delightin the bletfed truth of God is an argumertt that "God ·bath · - · I - firfi:' . . . \ ,