Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

firftopenedthe hea~t. There fore poore foul~s when th~y ~ant good 'eviaencc~ \vhen they doubt . Whether their eitate .·be -· good Oli no~ Let them con. ftderwhatrelli~ they have of dinine truths. Whether 1 it ·be connaturall to the ... word or no!.'whetherit be · favoi1~ie or ~· .. no 1whcther . rltey -coold ~be widiout the meaneseffalv·ationor n'or and let t~em judge ·. themfelves. by t~eir . d~~ light in ~· Gods truth, · her , heartwas ·o·pe~ed to/~ttend to the word. '- .:-;- · • J. ' I ti . , ·.,