Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

l ! . I j2 ~- . The qofpell_thegrounJ the Apofl:le fait~, that God . . ' , . by· that convcrred the world, by the foolijbntf!e 1{ pre4&hing, And in the lad'- r. der of hearren in How fh~l/t hey catt 111 /iim ofwhom the1 hattc ~ot httt1d ,, AIJd how jl1~/l they pre4~h e:~ctpt they IJte fent : fo there is no faith \Vithout teaching. The poin.t is playn~,you heate it oft : Tpe word is; the ground of faith,. and the word e· fpecial~y Js.i t is p.reachrd by a P~ul~by a Miniftcr \ unfolding ,it. · . Vfo.· Th t: b a· d . Top~ay ere1ore ~ trre ~p I for}a~m,. as yee f1uour the foules of j rers lR GIJJ people to pray tO God ·Gods har- · · ' · veft, , 'to fend [4{,~~rers ifJtO ' b~s . IJA.rve~ ,~nd to pray th~t · -- the