The word, ~nd the wo-rd preached, and t-hen ~uten- · ding to the wotdpreach- .. ~dth at was th~_ ground pf her faith;)the!c 3. meeting _together. / T~ere are the[e foure T.l.. . ~~ -. . . h • _ fL I . b . _ llh'{:)S. ~e"" _t tngs muu._a wayes e tn . qttiii~e to tbe fenfes of out body. If ii~ht. r wee will fee iher~ rn·uft be . . an pbjetlto fee" \V~ mufrfee· :. " fomething; an d. ~ facul~ie to fee,our eye~ .and then ,· -· a light wh_ereby wee fee we cannot fee in.the dark ''And tpen/ there mufi: bee· an· application of-the eye to fee the· ob red by that - fpirirua]l things there is the blcffed ·truth of· God, the n1ercie of G:od in Iefus Chrift :-that wee . , - ··D ·4 may:· I . ' .'