, 56 The Gojfel the grotJ?Jd I . r ' - .may fee t4efe things) wee mu~ hau~ I a . Jight by which we-nl?Y fee , them. And there mull: be a pow-- er to fee which is the fan. \ ~ine_ d opeaed und~rftandtn~~ when the Utldf{fi'!nding is opened, th~n there . is. an application· of the foule to attend to· thew~rd of G1a,by the light of the · word. . So that there m~fl: be application,and attcntj i. on to the \vord : before-t 1e word ca.n clee us / goo;d, it ~uft be _applyed to the . Gbjet},the tall: tw.he thing I • tailed, \•and fo in ·arr the other fenfes.. . . ) At~ecytJoP! is a · fpeci~ll thing:how 1nany fe'rnt<?ns , are loft in this Citie, tliat are