l .,. ' . fuch an -end, -and- nevers · leave thinking of the word ofGod when . wee have · beard it, till we·have tur- . net! the word into · our · _fou:Ies, till \VC have ir fixed i~ bur underftandings,. that we can fay, Now l : ·know it; till we have f tJ>b.· ; duedo:ur he'Jrts to it, .and ·· we be mQlded, and deli~ veredup 't'o it, that ,ve 'can fay, Now.J h~veir; now the word is mine. Let us - never leave . the truth wee· heare tilt we be; brought·· i to .tha~ :.,.alas towhat pur· : pofe is it to·Jheare except; ! we make it our owne, a_s nature makes the me are - " our owne that :-w,ee eate ! · There .is .a feco.nd. or third: digetHon., ~ 1 I , •