Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

111 the Word. that heare_,a_sifthey thould be the Iafl: things th~t , everyoufhould.heare :for how doe wee know but it may be fo '!- It is ano\her matlner ofmatterto heare' then we take it. Takehee ~ow yee hc'4_rt .faith our_ bleJfeJ s Avieu,! We h~are nothing but it fets us for. ward in t)leway ofGrace · - to h~a~en, or-for-wardto hell, we are helped by it to heaven; or elfe hardened by it further to hell. -we had need to take heed how we heare, · ~e mufi . be Judged by that 'vee · ·heare: ~nd that that wee heare now:r negligently, /and carelefly, God will .m~ke good at the' day _of, - judgrment. ~ . '·