. 011 t}Je Wo'rtl. I woman here. God opened her heari, and iliee.atten . .ded;to thethingstha.t \vere fpok~ of PAul. . , · ' B-ut you \rvill aske; how fhall I ·know a n1art whofe heartis o·pened, and at .. ·tends better ~lien afi()ther mand6th? ~eft. How to know we attend aright. I 'I . ' .I will givetwld 6r t~ree · JP(w~ briefe:-,ru.les of difcerniog. ( 1. _ He that by the fipirit of When wee I · kn0W liOt God attends to the good the ~ord~ · '''or~ of God to purpofe, bu.t dte with an ope ne~ under- thmgs. ding~ he ~ot amly knqwes '- the words,an4 the lhell iu I , p~eaching' .the 'word of God, but the things: he _ knQ\Ves no-t only wbat faith