Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

Arig/,tfJ'!IhtWirc!. ' . · 71 · . Godly_. Gr_ace~ when we .attend upon the word as ., wee lJiG>uld, teacheth us to . doe the tbings; not only that we fhQuld repent.,and . ,,pray &c.. but .ro doe them ic opens the rhings, and · gives ~a~ilitiero ,doe them. ·. -- · And in_ the ne.xt place, · Th~i · 1 h . · h · c 10t1 e t ofe t}Jat attend as t · ey _ec~hoes to !Aould doe, there is a fpi- · the-wgrd• .·rituall eccfio in their foules · to eve_ry thing that is ' ~aught :that is, \vhen they are e~horted t6 beleeve, .theyanfwer,Lordi.wilbe.;' . - leeve; Lord I will heare, I will repent, and ·I will . take ·heed of fuch fins by . thy grace;when God faith . · . k,e :my face; Lord thj ~ce Nilt I feeli~. This is ~- the '·