Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

. ~tr.igl9t ont!Je WtJrd~ · " doe ·attend from a·faneti- . fin~ grace, they feet~ings by another Iig~r, by~rfp~­ rit of~heir o~vde,hy ·a he~l: uenly light,by a fptcies: itt ' J; They Cee things in · their owne light~ ·their' owne Jdnd,fpirituaU things with a fpjritna11 litht~ Mlny come,,< ~. a~u yheare fermons,a.nd c~~4i~ fc()urfe_, ~nd wrargle; a tiel . maintaioe · jan.glingf ··of their ~wne,a!fld all this ottt _ of naturall parrs ran·& o-p..t of pride of heart-: but ~ a gracious holy-man, fees fpirituall ·things by a fpiri~ tualllight, . in their . owne, ·kind. ~ , · ·· - A man- that is.borne in a dunge0n; and neuer.fa the Iig'-ht, \vheo hebeare~ · difcout:feofthe Sun, and - E · ftarres ' . / } • .