,. s - _ G1tllttkes ~oticeojhis • .was a fit inftrumen t to preach mercy to others. : Hereupon hewas appoin- . ted to be a pre:tther to the Gentiles. Among the rell ofthe Gentiles, he was ca1led to prea~h to them of M4ceaonitt, and _it was by a vifion, as we fee in the · _ form~r part of the Chap· _ ve~f.gv -- ter. A man of Macetlo~ia, -~ -- , appeared to Paul by ntght and fayd Come to MttccdtJnia) ttnd helpe us. Indeed the ftate of the people of , Maced1tli~t called for help, as n·ow the fiate of many people ~oth ~thought here . be not fuch a vifion as a man of M ace~onia,yet their wretched eRate(being ~un ·der the ~ingdome of Sa-- t4n )