14 -. " . !J:ryAlls·lf atle~Jdhig .. · ~, ftars~ and ea.rth, and. flow. er&, and' plants, he bath ·1. ~ i ~~· <' I, magiriations \"V hat they ~.t: ' ·. ,: .. iliould ~.e;'but he f~ncies , ., ·.·. other th~ngs : f<l .a.. ~.an ; / .. ' ' / ' ' ' ,, that neuer h~d fp1ntuaU ey,e-light, to fee fpirituaH things ~n their \kinde ·; he fancies them to bee this and that, but ~e fees them n'ot by their owne I Ught, many lpeake and talk~ of good things, .. but it is by tbe fpirit ~of othe,r merr, out of 9oolis,and bearing. an~ not by a fpirit, of the~.r ownc. lJetftatatteRdS. by grace fpeakes out of a fpi- -rit of his ~wne, , and aot · ·out of.other mens fpirits, he.f.eesfpjrituall things in thei·r_owne. c9lours.1hns wee ·