Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

1 \ -are Go~s, and Cbrifis children, they .have recei~ ved, the feale of the Co.: - venant; ' b~ptifme, Chrifi· will provide for them: and he that pro_vides hea~ ven for them, vv ill -provide all things -~in the way-to 1 - heaven neceffarie. God -bath faid, 1 will .be the God e f _ i!Jee; an cl of -thy children, they are-in Co .. . venant, thine they ~ere Lord•.A ,man _may commit his Cl1ildren to God~ ·- on his r"tleath.bed; thou .: _-gavefi them me, and -I co-mmit -tbeQl-to' thee a- · 'Saine, ~s 9efore t did oy 'ba.prifme• . ' ~11 \this · ·we-ei ·' - "\ . . . .' - no 4lav~ by-thinking of ou!rl. bapufme. If we .. looke. ----- I ' ·~ J